
The theme of our last meeting was “Cravings!”. The word of the day was “desire” (verb, noun). A food craving is an intense desire for a specific food.

This topic came up naturally after the Halloween when a lot of sweets left and you sit and chew them in your mouth and can’t stop. It’s not only craving for sugar. It could be craving for pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice ice cream and other pumpkin things available in abundance this time of the year. Outside of the food realm you could crave for exercise, for a company. Human beings have a lot of desires. Cravings are some of their desires.

During Table Topics we discussed our theme “Cravings!” – cravings for sweets, salty cookies, nicotine, caffeine, cravings for approval, attention and love. Most of our members understand that cravings are bad habits and would like to get rid of them or at least take them under control.

This time we had only one speaker – Mickie Winkler. And we were delighted by listening to “High Speed Rail: A Fairy Tale”.
“Once upon a time back into 2008 the good citizens of Silicon Valley in the kingdom of California did enthusiastically support a ballot…”
And it was a real fairy tale with heroes and villains and magic. And of course, as all fairy tales it had a happy ending.

On November 3rd, discussing “Cravings!”, listening the fairy tale, we were a little bit diverted from the Election 2020 and less stressed.