An Attitude of Gratitude

This Tuesday’s Theme suggested by John Sleeman was “An Attitude of Gratitude“, in keeping with the spirit of the season of Thanksgiving. Actually, this attitude is appropriate for us in this fortunate area in this fortunate state and country, at any time. We are lucky to live here, and should remember all those who are struggling elsewhere. We have much to be grateful for, that others lack.

The word of the day was grateful. When one is grateful, they are thankful and appreciative, usually for something or to someone. The following words were excepted by our word master Mickie Winkler as well – “Greatful” and “Greightful”, as they have similar pronunciation.

During the Table Topics led by Naomi Levenson we discussed not only attitudes towards gratitude, but how to be grateful right now, in future, with your family and other people, to place where you live, places you are going to visit, and hobbies. And we had a tie between Anne Moseley and Robbie Prohaska.

Ky-Van Lee delivered the speech – “De-Clutter Your Home! “(Dynamic Leadership, Level 4, Managing Change). She is thankful for having more time with her family because of our current restrictions to travel. For “De-cluttering” home she created a short-term and a long-term plan. She does not want to consume things but wants to experience more clarity and purposeful life. Phil Cosby, who evaluated the speech, was delighted to hear more story-telling-like speeches than very technical talks.

Kirk Stoddard said that it was great to be thankful for being able to do what you love. His thought of the day was: “the aim of the science is to remove the mystery of it from natural phenomena but not the wonder”.

And finally Club Business:

Nominations for SRI Organon Club Officers for the January-June 2021 term were accepted:
President – Olga Fedorova, VPE – Ky-Van Lee, VPM – Phil Cosby, VPPR – John Sleeman, Secretary – Naomi Levenson, Treasury – Lindee Burton, SAA – Robbie Prohaska.
We will vote on the nominations at our meeting on December 1st, 2020.

Our White Elephant Tales meeting will be on December 15th. This year, our usual White Elephant Auction will be different. Instead of having members auction some treasure, we will tell tall tales about the treasure. Think of something in your possession that you might have auctioned off or something you actually bought at a previous auction. Tell us a story of something outrageous involving the object, something probably not true, but maybe…. 
This will not be a fundraiser for the club. Instead we will vote for Tallest Tale, Most Believable and Most Humorous. We will have actual prizes for the winners. Each Tall Tale will be limited to 3-5 minutes. 
As an added attraction, there will also be a Door Prize.

Guests are always welcome!



  1. RP Prohaska

    I’m sure most of us our thankful for SRI Organon and its members. I, for one, appreciate the good advice I get from the speeches… like how Ky-Van motivated me to declutter! I brought 3 boxes to SVDP today. 🙂 And how Reema, through two different speeches, inspired me to make soup stock and to decorate for the holidays.


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