Tips for Timers

Even though the Timers role is considered a minor function, it’s not an easy one. It requires focus, and, in these days of Zoom, some technical prowess. Here are some tips to help you excel in this role.

Use the colored Zoom backgrounds because they are easily visible. You can find the colored images here on our Google Drive. Load the images into your Zoom virtual backgrounds library ahead of time. Flip through them according to the timing criteria. Bring colored cards or objects to use as a backup.

Secondly, use a timing device that you are comfortable with. I use the Alarms & Clock app that comes standard on Windows and keep my phone nearby in case I need a back-up.

That means when timing, I have these two additional windows open.

Whatever methods you choose, practice them ahead of time and demonstrate them when called upon to explain your role.

Also be sure to know the timing criteria. Check the agenda for the speakers’ times and with the Master Evaluator for the evaluation times.

Lastly, for any Zoom meeting, be sure to close any windows that you are not actively using. Closing extraneous windows promotes a smoother experience by keeping things simple and improving your system performance.

If you haven’t been Timer lately, I encourage you to give it a try?